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North Highlands Bible Church, Dallas Texas

Dec 31, 2017

Do you ever feel lonely? Do you ever feel frustrated? Thanks to Jesus' time on Earth, God knows first hand these experiences. Pastor Rick preaches today about how Jesus understands.

Dec 24, 2017

In the Bible, we are offered Eternal Life, and a chance to live in the Light. What is the Light and the Darkness? How do we know that Jesus is the way to Eternal Life? Pastor Rick dives in.

Dec 17, 2017

Pastor Rick asks us, "What is Peace?" Jesus came into the world as the Prince of Peace, but how do we find it? How do we find peace in a world in chaos?

Dec 10, 2017

Pastor Rick focuses this week on Jesus. How He is fully God, fully Man, and our Lord and Savior.

Dec 3, 2017

We all need wise council in our lives. Pastor Rick speaks today about the one true Wise Counselor that we can go to without fear of bad advice.