Feb 11, 2024
Moses lives in our memory as one of the greatest leaders in the history of God’s people, but it's important to remember where he began: insecure, uncertain, unprepared, and unworthy. He was entirely insufficient (in every sense of the word) for facing Pharaoh, but he’d soon learn that the LORD was sufficient enough.
Questions for Reflection & Discussion
What is your regular rhythm for spending time in the presence of God in your life? What might you change to better practice His presence this week?
Which of the five excuses of Moses do you most resonate with? Why? How does God’s response to the excuse help you in your struggle?
Jesus uses the phrase ‘I AM’, which is central to the revelation of God’s identity in Exodus 3, in John 8:58. What should we conclude from this about the relation of Jesus to the God of the Old Testament?