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North Highlands Bible Church, Dallas Texas

May 19, 2024

If I were to tell you that the wrath of God was real, which I believe it is, and that it is coming on account of something, one thing in particular, would you want to know what that one thing is? I hope so. In fact, I would hope that you would not only want to know what that one thing is, but you would want to know everything you could about it so you could stay as far away from that one thing as humanly possible. Yes? Good. Let’s talk about idols of the human heart.


Questions for Reflection & Discussion

How does human pride interfere with obedience to God? Why do we resist worshiping God in the manner He prescribed?

What are some of the things you are prone to making an idol in your heart? How have you experienced the truth of 1 Corinthians 10:13-14 concerning such things?

What is one way you could turn from worship of these things to worship of the one true and living God this week?