Jul 21, 2024
“You’re Invited!” Whether you are 7 or 70, hearing these words means the world to us…
For example, we all remember what it felt like as a kid to be invited to birthday parties… and what it felt like to not be invited. We remember in part because that feeling never really goes away. You can say not being invited to that wedding or hangout or work party doesn’t bother you, but it does (you know it’s true). Invitations matter to us.
In this week’s scripture passage Jesus extends an invitation to us all–an invitation that just might be the greatest invitation of all time.
Questions for Reflection & Discussion
How has doubt been a struggle in your relationship with God? Which truths from God’s Word were the most challenging to believe amid your doubts?
In Matthew 11, Jesus presents Himself as the sovereign Son. How does this depiction of Jesus challenge our culture’s understanding of Him? How does it challenge your own understanding?
In what ways do you struggle to take upon the yoke of Jesus? What can you do this week to let Him bear your burdens with you and for you?