Nov 27, 2023
What do you treasure? One needs to look no further than his or her priorities for the truth.
Whatever we focus on dictates our actions–make no mistake, you are willing to sacrifice for the thing(s) most valuable to you. Whether it’s money, status, power, safety, or comfort. What do you treasure?
There is only one thing most “worth it;” one thing of “surpassing worth” (of “everlasting worth”) that is truly worth treasuring, where the gain for us and for others is truly worth the sacrifice.
This Sunday, let’s talk about the one thing of surpassing worth in our lives regardless of who we are or where we are and the gain of our sacrifice, should we give ourselves to the pursuit of Him.
Questions for Reflection and Discussion
Consider the things that people/you treasure. Why do they/you treasure these things? Why do they/you ultimately fall short of treasuring Jesus?
Consider the areas in which we might rejoice in ourselves i.e. our flesh. Which is most enticing for you? Why? How can we have the same “count it all as loss” mentality as Paul?
How does koinonia in the suffering of Christ help you to know Him more?
How does the hope of resurrection encourage you in your life and walk with Jesus today?