Sun, 25 June 2023
If you missed the sermon last weekend go back and give it a listen to get up to speed because this Sunday is Part Two to our time in Ephesians 2:1-10. If last week we discussed what we are by nature i.e. the Bad News, this week we discuss what we can become by God’s grace, which is the Best News. Ever. |
Sun, 18 June 2023
“I’ve got good news & I’ve got bad news.” Have you ever heard or said it before? Which do you prefer first? Good or bad? Multiple studies have found that roughly four out of five people prefer the bad before the good. Whether we’re a patient getting test results or an employee in our end of year review, our preference is clear: bad news first, good news last. Ephesians 2:1-10 is the ultimate bad news, good news passage. The bad news is bad—as bad as it gets. But, the good news—the good news more than makes up for it. It’s better than good news. It’s the best news. Ever. |
Sun, 11 June 2023
Pastor Marvin Walker from the Watermark South Dallas Campus will be sharing a message this week from Paul’s farewell to the Ephesian elders of the church. |
Sun, 4 June 2023
We all have eyes. They help us to see things as they truly are. Some eyes obviously help better than others, but even with 20/20 vision, there are things you and I cannot see on our own. Paul therefore prays that God would open our eyes to see things as they truly are, but he does not pray for our physical eyes, he prays God would open the eyes of our hearts. |