Sun, 28 January 2024
The Book of Exodus tells an important story. And by story, I don’t mean a fictional story, but a factual one. It is a timelessly true story about God and what He does for His people—He was, is, and ever will be the God who provided ‘a way out’ for his people, who were slaves in Egypt, and He is still providing a way out today. -- Questions for Reflection & Discussion Consider the two types of fear: The fear of God and the fear of man. How can we cultivate a greater fear of God in our lives, and how might this impact our decision-making in various aspects of life? Explore ways to trust in God's sovereignty, recognizing that His plan will always prevail. How can we align our lives with His purposes and trust in His wisdom even in the face of uncertainty? God hears. God sees. God knows. Which of these most encourages you today? How can we practically live out our faith in a way that reflects our understanding of God's covenant and love for His people? |
Sun, 21 January 2024
This week we wrap up our ALL IN series with the call to love God with all of our strength. What is strength? What does it mean to have strength? How do I love God with all my strength? The answers from scripture might surprise you. Thankfully, it’s got little to do with moving monster trucks with ropes. -- Questions for Personal Reflection and Group Discussion Reflect upon your understanding of the term me’od and how it goes beyond physical strength. How might you explain it if asked? Consider the significance of loving God with your "muchness" in private, personal, and public aspects of life. Which of these is a strength of yours? Which of these needs the most help? What are some instances from your life or the lives of others where God has proven Himself trustworthy. How does knowing Him contribute to your ability to trust Him? Consider how the revelation of God's character, as seen in Exodus 34, influences your trust in Him. How does knowing who God is impact your ability to love and trust Him? |
Sun, 14 January 2024
This week we discuss the importance of loving God with all of our minds. I find it interesting that the Word commands us to love God with all our mind. We don’t usually speak of love in terms of intellectual activity. In fact, most of our understanding of love today is described in passive categories. We speak not of jumping in love but falling in love, like it is an accident that just happens to us. But loving God is no accident. And it cannot happen without the mind. Let’s talk about it. -- Questions for Reflection & Discussion What are some of the ways you intentionally engage your mind in thinking about God and the things of God? How often do you do this? How often do you think for the sake of loving God? What stands in the way of you doing it more often? Completely. Correctly. Consistently. These were the words used to describe what it might look like to love God with all of your mind. Which of the three is your strongest? Which may need adjustment to align more closely with a love for Godly men? What practical steps will you take to ensure that your thinking about God leads to a deeper love for Him? |
Sun, 7 January 2024
Loving God with all our heart makes sense to us. What else would we or could we love God with besides our heart? Well, God commands a few things. The next to discuss is loving God with all our soul. -- Questions for Reflection & Discussion How does the OT and NT understanding of the soul challenge the common understanding of the soul? What difference does this make in your understanding of the command to love God with all of your soul? God alone is the satisfaction of our souls. Does your life reflect this truth? How so? How not? What stands in the way of the change needed for your life to better reflect this truth? What’s one thing you want to or ought to do differently this week to better love God with all of your soul? |