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North Highlands Bible Church, Dallas Texas

Jun 24, 2018

Pastor Rick preaches today about the Heart of God. His love of us and his desire for us. God desires that we 'do justice,' 'love mercy', and walk humbly with him.

Jun 17, 2018

Pastor Rick preaches today on our hope for a better tomorrow. As we focus in Revelations, we see a new Jerusalem, and a new world established.

Jun 10, 2018

Pastor Rick preaches today on the divine justice waiting for those that misuse their power. In a time with so much corruption, we must pray for our leaders and be the light in the world to show God's love.

Jun 3, 2018

Pastor Rick preaches today on the consequences of our actions. In society we are not taught the real consequences of our choices. We are taught how to avoid them. With God, you cannot avoid his judgement.