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North Highlands Bible Church, Dallas Texas

Jun 30, 2019

Pastor Rick continues his series of FAQs of the church. This week he dives into the battle between Science and Christianity. Can science prove that God does or doesn't exist? Can you believe in science and still be a Christian?

Jun 23, 2019

Pastor Rick continues his series in FAQs of the church. This week we dive into Divine Judgement. Is it real, and how do we talk to people in society today about it?

Jun 16, 2019

Pastor Rick continues his series on the FAQs of the church. This week, during Father's Day, he looks at why we call God Father, and why that needs to remain.

Jun 9, 2019

Pastor Rick continues his series on FAQs of Christianity. This week focuses on hypocrisy inside the church body and how we should handle it.

Jun 2, 2019

Pastor Rick continues his series of FAQs about Christianity. This week we look into magical thinking. There are several Christian symbols in the world. Are they magical? Is this something we can control?