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North Highlands Bible Church, Dallas Texas

Apr 28, 2019

We have come to a cultural moment where both skeptics and believers feel threatened by both secular skepticism and religious faith are both rising. To be able to minister to these people we need to have answers to questions they are asking, so Pastor Rick has started a FAQ series.

Apr 21, 2019

He is Risen! Pastor Rick preaches this Easter Sunday on our Savior Jesus, and the Resurrection. He has paid the debt of our sins, and thus given us eternal life.

Apr 14, 2019

Pastor Aaron Parish preaches again this Sunday as we look into John 10. We need a leader, a guide, a person to show us the path. What we need is a Shepard. Jesus is our Shepard.

Apr 7, 2019

Pastor Aaron Parish preaches today from the book of John while Pastor Rick in in Israel. Only Jesus has the power to bring light into the darkness. In a world of chaos, only he can bring order.